Taking Advanced AI To Solve Real World Problems

We are a research community that focuses on artificial intelligence for social good.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that mimic human brain to do specific task.

Computer Vision

A field of artificial intelligence that teach computers to understand visual data.

Natural Language Processing

An emerging subfield of artificial intelligence that allows computer to understand text data.

Speech Processing

An intersection of natural language understanding and signal processing that allows computer to understand human voice.


The research projects that are currently working on

Quora Question Pairs

A research on sentence pair classification using BERT

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A Survey on non-English Question Answering Dataset

We review a lot of question answering dataset and sum up the overview of each dataset. We suggest future research direction in this field.

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A Survey on Scanned Receipt OCR and Information Extraction

We highlight and analyze existing methods and dataset in SROIE task.

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Building Indonesian QA dataset.

On Going


The project that we are working within python environment


A python library for both general and fine-grained sentiment analysis build on top of PyTorch

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A python library to make text cleansing and preprocessing easier to handle.

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Earth Vision

A python library that help researchers to build and develop earth observatory task model.

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Meet the Team

Collaborate and share your knowledge within our community to create meaningful impact.